Kyogle Road D&C Landslip Remediation
Mar 4, 2025

Green Civil Services was engaged for the Design & Construction works required to remediate a Landslip in Kyogle.
- Construction of an access track/ working platform to facilitate the remediation works.
- Preparation of the slope, including removal of existing slipped and eroded material, trimming of slope, benching/excavation, removal of vegetation and organic material (such as root balls and stumps) and stockpiling suitable material onsite for reuse.
- Supply and construction of a Gravity retaining structure
- Supply and installation of Subsoil drainage works to discharge clear of the retaining structure.
- Supply and installation of scour protection at both ends of the gravity retaining structure
- Removal of damaged/ affected pavement
- Reinstatement of the verge along the existing road alignment
- Reinstatement of the unbound flexible pavement ( sub-base and base layers) along the existing road alignment
- Supply and installation of erosion matting/control blankets on disturbed areas at the base of the wall.
- Supply and planting of native grasses/ground covers tube stock on disturbed areas